Help Sonia! I Can’t Stop Eating Chocolate

Chocolate addiction can be hard to beat if you don’t know where to start. Your chocolate habit has been built up over time and you can stop eating chocolate by harnessing the power of your mind.

What Are You REALLY Eating?

Ever wondered why you just can’t stop eating that donut even though you don’t really want it? Emotional eating makes you do weird and crazy things. Learn how to stop it in its tracks now.

Will I gain weight If I quit smoking?

The most common question I get asked as a hypnotherapist is ‘will I put on weight if I quit smoking?’ The answer to this question is discussed in detail in this article.

How To Stop Emotional Eating

Do you struggle with binge eating? You’re not alone – it’s a very common problem and one that responds really well to hypnosis. Your eating problem is caused by negative beliefs and mind patterns that you can change with the help of a professional.

Ten Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Find out what foods to eat that will raise your metabolism and help you lose weight easily. Our hypnotherapist lists her all time favourite foods for fat loss.

Why Diets Are Useless

Learn why diets don’t work and hypnosis does. You can lose weight without deprivation in a sensible balanced way that achieves lasting results. Join the discussion and discover why dieting is virtually useless.

When The Kids Are In Bed The Pantry Beckons

When the house is quiet and the kids are all in bed, that’s when a lot of mums find it hard not to go searching in the cupboards for a treat. Learn why you do this and how you can stop those nightly food cravings dead. Our hypnotherapy expert shows you how.

Fake Weight Loss Advice Exposed

Want to find out what’s REALLY the best way to lose weight and keep it off? Our hypnotherapy expert shows 4 of the most common myths about losing weight and how you can avoid falling into these traps.

Stop Smoking Without Packing On The Kilos

Most people who want to quit smoking worry about weight gain. It is just an old wives tale that ditching the fags will add girth to your waistline? Our clinical hypnotherapist separates facts from fiction.

A Simple Way To Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

Everybody is looking for a magic bullet when it come to weight loss, but this just keeps you going around in circles. Discover the tricks your mind plays on you that keep you stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting.