PTSD Survival Guide


Suffering from PTSD can be debilitating. Victims need to develop strategies to help them overcome trauma to get the most out of their lives.

Learning how to manage PTSD helps people deal with the day-to-day challenges that result from a wide variety of traumatic experiences.

Trauma isn’t something that most people can shake off quickly. For many, it requires learning and developing coping mechanisms so that the stress becomes manageable.

Unfortunately, others deal with their trauma by abusing substances, so they’ll need to overcome that habit while building their natural ability to handle crises.

Decide on an Approach To Managing PTSD

Since a large segment of society has some form of PTSD, numerous remedies, therapies, and treatments exist. Although some trauma victims struggle to find the correct path, rest assured that effective treatment will eventually help you come to terms with and overcome your issues.

Let’s take a look at three popular approaches to help manage PTSD symptoms:

  • Medication;
  • Psychotherapy;
  • Lifestyle changes

People are free to try any or all of these methods to deal with past trauma’s lingering impact.


Lifestyle Changes Are an Excellent Starting Point

Many holistic approaches to health can reduce the physical symptoms of trauma, including the following:

Yoga and meditation both train people to calm their minds while controlling their bodies. They learn to control their breathing and to allow negative thought to arise without judgment. It can take some time and effort to master these practices, which gives people a goal beyond simply overcoming trauma.


Start With a Holistic Approach

Good nutrition, exercise, yoga, and meditation all help people suffering from PTSD.

Another holistic approach is to use hypnotherapy for PTSD, which has proven itself helpful to many.

These types of treatments don’t involve any medicine or chemicals, which is appealing. If organic methods aren’t potent enough to treat a severe case of PTSD, incorporating medication is always a viable option.

Ultimately, the goal is to find a treatment approach that alleviates PTSD symptoms enough for sufferers to enjoy life.


Psychotherapy May Be the Key to Recuperation

Psychotherapy, commonly known as talking therapy, is a classic way to deal with trauma.

Sometimes talking about the problem and discussing how you feel can help you unpack the trauma, which offers relief.

However, simply talking about the experience and it’s impact over and over again is not helpful.

The most effective sessions not only get to the root causes of your feelings, but also help you develop powerful coping mechanisms.

What matters the most is that you find what you need to deal with life on your terms. Trauma gives people a feeling of powerlessness, which manifests in deep-rooted destructive behavior patterns if left unchecked.

Modern practices include exposure therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy for people living with PTSD.

The treatment depends on the specific details of the case. Psychotherapists meet with clients to better understand the underlying issues.

Once they have a complete picture of the problem, they create treatment strategies designed for short-term and long-term success.

Trauma-focused psychotherapy is at the top of the list of most popular PTSD treatments. Therapists attempt to find the memory of the traumatic incident to help devise an approach to overcome it.


Medication Is a Standard Tool to Combat PTSD Effects

Ultimately the goal is to mitigate destructive behaviour to increase individual wellbeing and happiness.

No one feels good about feeding bad habits or keeping attitudes that hold them back. Trauma is sometimes unavoidable, so being able to deal with the pain positively is essential.

Numerous medications also exist to help people. Which one you take depends on your overall condition.

An experienced medical professional specializing in PTSD may include a prescription to accelerate your treatment to help you gain control faster over your emotional health. Much of the diagnosis will come down to what you’re currently experiencing.

Even if you’re already using lifestyle and holistic approaches to treat your situation, a prescription could provide additional support in overcoming traumatic situations that have impacted your current life.

It’s worth rejoicing in the fact that more is known about post-traumatic stress disorder now than at any other point in history. Research is mounting, and lots of case evidence exists to help people chart a course for recovery.


Technology Is Advancing To Help Alleviate Symptoms

A newer type of treatment for PTSD integrates virtual reality. VR allows people to experience their fears in a safe environment, empowering them to defeat triggers.

It might be too much for people with a debilitating case to attempt this in a real-world setting. In that situation, therapists can walk them through an experience that feels real but will shield them from further harm.

Psychotherapy combined with VR may create a breakthrough moment that allows the patient to get better.

It may take multiple sessions and a great deal of work to get to that point, but anyone with trauma will say the outcome was worth the effort.

Processing recurring events typically will open up plenty of doors that are otherwise closed to people with trauma.


Goals For PTSD Therapy

Therapy for PTSD will always contain three primary goals:

When someone meets those goals, the person will see a marked improvement in their attitude and will be capable of greater productivity, professionally and personally.

It’s fair to say that carrying trauma holds people back due to its severe negative effect on their lives and personalities. When that includes addiction or other destructive behaviour, it can become a matter of life and death. It’s always worth attempting to free yourself of trauma, especially when you’re aware of the trouble it’s currently causing.

Even minor improvements may cause significant relief. Trauma holds people back from achieving more, primarily due to fear and anxiety. Getting rid of those particular symptoms enables you to welcome opportunities instead of closing yourself off. By doing so, you’re meeting one of the prerequisites for achieving success.

Almost all PTSD treatments you research will be members of a category known as cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT. This study explored the concept of needing to change the most prominent thought patterns that underpin your existence.

When these thoughts are negative, tightly holding on to them has a profoundly adverse impact on your results. CBT allows you to focus on where the fears come from to create a strategy and plan to replace them with higher frequency thinking.


Combined Treatments Offer a Solution

Severe cases of PTSD also generally include medications such as Fluoxetine (Prozac), Paroxetine (Paxil), Sertraline (Zoloft), and Venlafaxine (Effexor). The goal is to suppress bad memories to the point where dealing with them is possible.

Some people despair at the thought that you won’t be able to help yourself, but that’s not accurate.

PTSD therapy is gaining in sophistication and effectiveness. With a customized treatment plan, anyone can benefit.

Although no two people or their experiences are exact, some similarities help therapists discover the best way to approach treatment.

It’s up to you to find a helpful professional who can get you back on the right track.

There are also new treatments that you can consider. Those will not have identical track records as existing ones, but it might be worthwhile if the circumstances merit an attempt.

Sometimes breakthrough treatment uses a new approach that has more impact than older traditional methods. Please speak with your mental care provider and see what they have to say about any treatment you consider.


Find a Plan That Works for You

When you’re ready to move on from past trauma, research your possible treatments and pick and select what you believe is best for you. If you struggle, you can always make adjustments along the way. Only you know what you’re feeling, so your feedback is all that matters.

You may also read online reviews or joined groups to hear what others are saying. People who have been in the same boat as you should provide actionable information to inform your decision.

It’s worth noting when people conclude specific treatments are effective. If you suffer from the same symptoms and a similar background, treatment might also work for you.

Never lose hope and keep believing that a better way lies ahead. Putting aside the pain and fear of trauma can lead to remarkable life improvements. People from every walk of life are currently dealing with PTSD, and many are seeing excellent results. It can be overwhelming at the beginning of treatment. As you see improvements, it gets a lot easier to stick with your program.

Your therapist will know how to manage PTSD. This professional can tailor a program that takes into account your precise requirements. Once they understand the underlying problem, they’ll better be able to develop a winning treatment strategy.

Find a qualified Hypnotherapist Melbourne who specializes in dealing with cases like yours. That way, they can rely heavily on what they already know to work.