Questions about hypnotherapy

People Who Should Never Be Hypnotised


The question ‘can anyone be hypnotised?’ is one of the most common questions I get asked.

There seems to be an annoying little myth going around that a certain percentage of the population can’t be hypnotised.

The fact is all hypnosis is self-hypnosis; therefore if you are alive, you can be hypnotised. A clinical hypnotherapist uses her voice to guide you into a state of self-hypnosis and then with your permission, she makes suggestions that allow you to make the changes you want to make in your life.

One example of self-hypnosis is daydreaming. Have you ever been in a boring meeting and found your mind wandering off? Most people have. Regardless, there are certain circumstances in which hypnosis is not recommended and I have detailed these in the points below. Personally, I would not agree to work with you if:


You Have A History Of Psychotic Episodes

When you should avoid hypnosis

If you are having a psychotic episode it means you are out of touch with reality. During this time you are already in an altered state of awareness, and therefore it could be dangerous for you and those around you if you were to be hypnotised.

Some symptoms of psychosis are hallucinations, delusions, confused thoughts or a lack of self-awareness. Schizophrenia is one example of a psychotic illness.

Generally if you have suffered one or more psychotic episodes you’ve probably already been diagnosed by your doctor or psychiatrist and you may be taking medication to keep it under control.

If you suspect you may have experienced symptoms of psychosis be sure to check with your doctor before you undergo hypnosis.


You Are Severely Depressed Or Suicidal

I would never recommend you undergo hypnosis if you are feeling this way. It’s almost impossible to relax when you’re feeling this bad, and since relaxation is a key element required for hypnosis to work, the process is likely to fail anyway.

If you’re struggling with this problem the first port of call is your doctor. While I’m not an advocate of psychoactive medication, if it’s a choice between taking medication and dying, I’d choose the medication any day.

So get stabilised and medicated if necessary. When the muddy waters have settled and you’re feeling a bit more like your old self, then you can try hypnosis and you’re more likely to get positive results.


You Have Grand Mal Epilepsy (And Are Not Medicated)

I have agreed to see people who are diagnosed with Grand Mal Epilepsy but only if they are stabilised on medication. Any other time and I wouldn’t risk it. In this situation I would need to work closely with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you to undergo hypnosis Melbourne.


You Have Compromised Brain Chemistry

This is a biggie, folks. Some people are highly sensitive to changes in psychotropic medication. Psychotropic medications include anything that alters the chemical structure of your brain, such as anti-psychotics, sleeping pills and antidepressants.

Your brain chemistry can be unbalanced if you suddenly stop taking your medication, if you change to a different medication or even if you cut down too fast.

So the moral of the story is that yes anyone can be hypnotised but not everyone SHOULD be hypnotised. Always consult with your doctor if you’re not sure, and ALWAYS see a fully accredited hypnotherapist who has some years of experience and knows what she’s doing.