Why Public Speaking Is The TOP Most Feared Activity

Most people would rather die than speak in front of a group – literally! But what if your fear is stopping you from advancing in your career? Discover why public speaking phobia is so common and what you can do about it.

Why Being Grateful Makes You Happy

Paying attention to the things you like about your life makes you happier. Our clinical hypnotherapist explains why this is true and how your mind brings you more of what you want when you practise gratitude.

What To Do When You Are Rejected

If you’ve been dumped, lost a job or snubbed by your friends then you’ll know how devastating it is to be rejected. Rejection is part of life but some people seem to cope much better than others. Our Melbourne hypnotherapist shows you how to get past the hurt of rejection and move on in a positive and constructive way.

Train Your Mind To Combat Anxiety

Learn how to stop anxiety from taking over your life by training your mind to wake up from the trance of fear. Stop trying to control your outer circumstances and work on the one tool that can help you see things differently – your mind.

How To Get Over Heartbreak In Record Time

Getting over heartbreak can seem impossible when you’rte right in the thick of your feelings. But you can do it with the right attitude – our clinical hypnotherapist shows you how.

Vital Tips To Improve Your Relationship

If you struggle to get along with your partner you can learn to make your relationship work by following these useful tips. Learn how to fight without dragging up the past and maintain harmony and balance in all your relationships.

How To Take Criticism In Your Stride

Do you take things to personally? The ability to handle criticism is crucial in the workplace and in general. Learn how to separate fact from fiction and receive feedback without falling in a heap.

When A Bully Ruins Your Workplace Space

If you’re the victim of bullying at work you can take back your power. Learn how to recognise bullying, how you can protect yourself and why your subconscious beliefs may be making you an easy target.

3 Tips To Getting More Confidence

Confidence is elusive to many people and it affects every area of your life. If you have low self-esteem or worry about what other people think there are steps you can take to improve your self confidence.