6 Steps To Permanent Weight Loss – Part #1


Okay…I get it.

You’ve tried everything to lose weight or hypnosis for weight loss in Melbourne but nothing has worked. So what’s the difference between you and other people who are able to maintain a comfortable healthy weight? Is it good genes? Is it willpower?


Actually, it’s neither.


Unless you’ve got a problem with your metabolism, the only thing that drives a wedge between you and a healthy weight is you.

In this post, I’ll explain the 5 key pillars to sustainable weight loss.

See, most people only look at the symptoms, which are overeating and lack of exercise; but today you’re going to learn the difference between the cause and the symptoms of your weight problem, and why if you don’t address both, the weight will come back on.

In parts one and two of this post, I’ll explain the direct role your thoughts and beliefs play in determining whether or not you can stick to a weight loss plan for more than just a couple of months.

So…let’s get started:


The Universal Weight Loss Solution

How to lose weight

With the billions people spend each year on trying to lose weight, you’d think at least some of it would stick.

I mean, it’s pretty simple really…eat less, exercise more and you’ll lose weight.

‘Yeah yeah’, you say, ‘I know all that.’

So why then, as a nation, are we getting fatter every year?

It’s partly because we get conflicting messages from all the weight loss experts out there. Every 10 years or so, these experts do a backflip and suddenly what we were told to do before is all wrong.

It’s no wonder people throw in the towel.

I’m not knocking any particular eating regime or weight loss philosophy. It’s just that most of these solutions are inherently flawed.


Sure, I’ve Lost The Weight…But What Now?

Weight loss experts, personal trainers and dieticians alike all show you how to lose weight…but not how to keep it off.

Pretty much anyone can follow a calorie-controlled diet for a finite period of time.

The problem is, in the back of our minds there’s always the thought: ‘yeah, but this is temporary, and when I’m done, I can go back to my old habits.’

This sounds like a cop out but it’s human nature…we want things to be easy.

The logical, rational part of you understands that to maintain a healthy weight you’ve got to watch your calorie intake and exercise regularly – for the rest of your life not just for a couple of months.

But the logical part of you isn’t running the show here.


Tick Tock…

Ways we sabotage weight loss

What you may not know is that your subconscious is always ticking away in the background, marching to the beat of its own drum.

Which means that when you sabotage yourself by doing the opposite of what’s required to maintain a healthy weight, often that’s in response to what’s happening in the background.

But you don’t see it that way…what you see (in yourself) is laziness, and excuses, and lack of motivation.

So, when you finally figure out that it’s not about the food or the exercise, you call me, your hypnotherapist Melbourne, and you say ‘I need you to motivate me to stick to my weight loss plan.’

But again, it’s not that simple.

Here’s why:


The Surface Symptoms

When you try to lose weight, you almost always approach it from the perspective of what you’re doing wrong. IE:

  • The problem is that you’re overweight.
  • The symptom of that problem is overeating and lack of exercise.


You think that if you could just get rid of the symptoms, all would be fine and dandy.

Except it doesn’t always work that way.


Almost every overweight person has gone down the rabbit hole of trying to ‘fix’ the symptoms by embarking on a hard-core rapid weight loss program, only to find they can’t stick to it in the long term.

It’s an age-old problem that’s fuelled by the myriad of weight loss fads out there. If you believe the weight loss industry, all you have to do is buy their products and the you’ll be home and hosed.

Of course, that’s not what ends up happening. Then you beat yourself up for not being able to stick to the plan, and you finally figure out that a middle-way approach is far more achievable.

In theory, the problem should cease then and there; but for many people, even eating a calorie-controlled diet ‘most’ of the time is damn near impossible.

And this is where the deeper symptoms come in.


Deeper Symptoms

Mindset symptoms related to weight problems

Many people who adopt a more sensible approach to weight loss still can’t stick to it for very long.

Sound familiar?

At this stage, you’re well aware that the problem isn’t really about food or exercise.

That is, you know you have a mindset block, but this time you believe its lack of willpower and motivation.


Wrong again.


The absence of willpower and motivation is still a symptom of more complex underlying stuff, and that’s what we really need to understand here.

There are several causes of this weight problem which go far deeper than calorie control, willpower or motivation.

The first of these causes is negative subconscious beliefs.


What is a Belief?

A belief is essentially just a thought you keep on thinking. If you think a specific thought often enough (either aloud or silently), it eventually embeds itself into your subconscious mind.

That means you act upon those beliefs, sometimes unaware that you’re doing it. For example, you feel compelled to eat a donut even though you don’t really want it.

What’s happening is that your mind is responding to these internal prompters that often make you do the exact opposite of what you want to do, AKA: ‘self-sabotage’.


As a human being, you have consciousness, which means you don’t have to get pushed around by your thoughts.

With the right tools, you can get rid of the detrimental beliefs that cause self sabotage and create new ones that work in your favour.


Examples of Beliefs

How beliefs shape our behaviours

Any time you’re thinking about what you want and feeling negative emotion at the same time, that means you’ve got some beliefs that say you can’t have it.

In fact, it’s the negative beliefs that cause this lack of motivation and willpower that is so frustrating to you;

What are the stories you tell yourself about your inability to lose weight? Here are some of the most common:

  • It’s too hard;
  • I have no willpower;
  • I’ve always struggled with my weight (therefore I always will);
  • I can lose weight but I can’t keep it off;
  • I’m lazy;
  • My problem is I just love food too much

Whatever your stories are, you can change them. You just have to get your mind on board first. This starts with being aware of what you think, say and feel.

In part 2 of this post, I’ll go into this in more detail, and I’ll give you some tools you can use to start changing your old beliefs. But for now, understand that what you think is causing your weight problem (overeating and lack of exercise) isn’t really the cause at all.

See you in the next post!