Help Sonia! I Can’t Stop Eating Chocolate

Chocolate addiction can be hard to beat if you don’t know where to start. Your chocolate habit has been built up over time and you can stop eating chocolate by harnessing the power of your mind.

How Your Beliefs Shape Your Life

The quality of your belief systems can mean the difference between leading a  happy, successful life and feeling unfulfilled and depressed. Learn  how this works.

Will Hypnotherapy Work For You?

Are you considering hypnotherapy? Find out if it will work for you and how you can make sure you choose the right hypnotherapist who has the skills to help you with your problem.

How To Listen To Your Body

Do you tune into it and pay attention to what it is telling you? Learn 3 simple steps to intuitive eating and lose weight easily.

Treating Stomach Issues With Hypnosis

If you suffer from IBS, Chron’s disease or any other gut-related condition, this article is a must read for you. Your brain and your gut are intricately related, so hypnosis could be the missing link you have been searching for.

Am I Codependent With My Partner?

Ideally in a relationship, you and your partner rely on each other equally for love, support and empathy. But what if it’s mostly one-sided? You may be in a co-dependant situation and not know it. Find out the full story here.

Does Hypnotherapy Work?

Ever wondered about the actual success rate of hypnotherapy? If you’re thinking of trying hypnosis but want to know if it will work for your situation, read on.